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What Does It Take To Build a MP120TC?

Equipment, Supplies, and Parts Needed:

  • A well aligned and calibrated 3D printer - Ender 3 type or better is recommended

  • One 1KG spool of 3D printing filament (PETG, ABS, or other high strength material is preferred, but PLA will work)

  • Several non-3D printed parts (see the Assembly Instructions on Github for details)

  • A large format camera lens in shutter (100mm to 150mm is a good place to start)

  • A 120 Film Back (Graflex RH10 or Mamiya RB-67)

  • The set of STL Files, downloaded from Github.

How Much Will It Cost To Build?

The exact cost to build a MP120TC will vary, depending upon a few things:

  • Where you live (availability of parts/supplies)

  • Whether you buy ground glass, a bright screen, or make your own

  • Whether you order a professionally made bellows or make your own

  • Lens cost

  • Film back cost

  • The type of filament you use


A sample estimated cost (as of January 1, 2023, US Dollars) might be:

  • 1 Spool of PLA+ filament: $25

  • Bellows from Custom Bellows UK: $80

  • Mamiya RB-67 Professional film back from eBay: $100

  • Rick Oleson Bright Screen: $100

  • Non-3D printed parts*: $168

  • Schneider Symmar-S MC 135mm lens from eBay: $200

* These parts can be sourced from hundreds of different places and prices vary widely


STL files and Build Documents

The STL files to print are all available in Github.  You can access the current version repository here:


There is an assembly guide in the Github repository, and the list of parts you'll need for each assembly in the camera are listed within it.  The document is named MP120TC Assembly Instructions.pdf


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